FINO Paytech


Fino Paytech, founded on July 13, 2006, is headquartered at Mumbai, with offices across India. It is a business and banking technology platform combined with an extensive services delivery channel, whose vision is to fulfill every financial service need of its customers, and thus become their universally preferred choice.

Fino Paytech is an institutional investor-driven company owned by international and Indian investors. The company has emerged as a thought leader, innovator and implementer of technology solutions for institutions like banks, micro-finance institutions, government entities and insurance companies. As an alternate banking channel, Fino Paytech enables seamless end-to-end customer sourcing and servicing.

Fino Paytech is a thought leader, innovator and implementer of technology solutions for institutions like banks, governments and insurance companies.They are a business and banking technology platform combined with extensive services delivery channel. As an alternate banking channel, we enable end-to-end customer sourcing and servicing.Their business model derives its strength from the robust in-house technology, versatility of operations, scale of the channel and customer knowhow. The challenges of serviceability and scalability of the traditional banking channels have been addressed by way of innovation

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